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Biblical Success

Learn The Secrets of Biblical Success from Apostle Quinson Thomas and the team at Alive Christians. You'll never be the same in Jesus' Name.

Get The Prophetic Word For Today and This Week (Free)

Get The Prophetic Word For Today and This Week (Free)

January 16th, 2024 8:50pm 2 minute read

Bible Questions and Answers | Bible Verses | Biblical Definitions | Biblical Success | Daily Bible Verse | Healing Scriptures | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes | Prophetic Word of The Week | Psalms | Spiritual Warfare

Daily Prophetic Word- Get The Prophetic Word for Today. Listen to this breakthrough prophetic word from Prophet Quinson Thomas as he prophesies and shares with you what the Spirit of The Lord says for today and this week in Jesus' Name. Amen Sign Up Today...

(Full) Jeremiah 29:11 KJV- For I know The Thoughts That I Think Towards You

(Full) Jeremiah 29:11 KJV- For I know The Thoughts That I Think Towards You

November 6th, 2023 4:31pm 4 minute read

Bible Verses | Biblical Success

Bible Verse - Jeremiah 29:11 KJV - For I know The ThoughtsKing James Version- Holy BibleFor I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV Table of Contents...

(Full) Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV - Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart

(Full) Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV - Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart

November 6th, 2023 12:14pm 2 minute read

Bible Verses | Biblical Success

Table of ContentsIn All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him And He Shall Direct Your PathsProverbs 3:5-6 KJVKing James Version, Holy Bible5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him,...

What Do Biblically Accurate Angels Look Like? (Secrets Revealed)

What Do Biblically Accurate Angels Look Like? (Secrets Revealed)

August 13th, 2023 3:07am 12 minute read

Bible Questions and Answers | Bible Verses | Biblical Definitions | Biblical Success | Daily Bible Verse | Healing Scriptures | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes | Prophetic Word of The Week | Psalms | Spiritual Warfare

What do biblically accurate angels look like?Biblically accurate angels are not easy to find online. But we'll share some pictures of angels in the bible below. Sometimes angels take on human form and other times they have a mixed appearance. It...

How Long Did Adam and Eve Live? (Age Secrets Revealed)

How Long Did Adam and Eve Live? (Age Secrets Revealed)

August 11th, 2023 3:06pm 4 minute read

Bible Questions and Answers | Bible Verses | Biblical Success

Table of Contents How Long Did The First Man and Woman Live?  Scriptures About Adam And Eve and The Human Race More Scriptures On The First Man and Woman How Long Did The First Man and Woman Live? Adam lived for 930 Years according to scripture...

Trivia In The Scriptures Bible Quiz Game Free (With Answers)

Trivia In The Scriptures Bible Quiz Game Free (With Answers)

May 8th, 2023 11:15pm 2 minute read

Bible Questions and Answers | Bible Verses | Biblical Success | Daily Bible Verse

Welcome to our Trivia in the Scriptures Bible Quiz Game - Think you know the Bible?  Take the free bible trivia quiz here to find out how much of the bible you actually know! More Quizzes you may enjoy:  Fruit of the Spirit Quiz Spiritual Gifts...

(Full) Proverbs 13 KJV - A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner

(Full) Proverbs 13 KJV - A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner

April 26th, 2023 5:35am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 13 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleA wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.2 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat...

(Full) Proverbs 16 KJV - The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer

(Full) Proverbs 16 KJV - The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer

April 20th, 2023 2:35pm 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 16 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleThe preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the...

(Full) Proverbs 12 KJV - Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he

(Full) Proverbs 12 KJV - Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he

April 18th, 2023 6:05pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 12 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleWhoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.2 A good man obtaineth favour of the Lord: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn.3...

(Full) Proverbs 11 KJV - A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just

(Full) Proverbs 11 KJV - A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just

April 17th, 2023 12:55pm 4 minute read

Biblical Success | Daily Bible Verse

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 11 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleA false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight.2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.3 The integrity of the...

(Full) Proverbs 20 KJV - Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever

(Full) Proverbs 20 KJV - Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever

April 16th, 2023 4:00pm 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 20 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleWine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.2 The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion: whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth...

(Full) Proverbs 19 KJV - Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he

(Full) Proverbs 19 KJV - Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he

April 15th, 2023 1:15pm 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 19 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleBetter is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that...

(Full) Proverbs 18 KJV - Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh

(Full) Proverbs 18 KJV - Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh

April 15th, 2023 11:35am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 18 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleThrough desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.3...

(Full) Proverbs 17 KJV - Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith

(Full) Proverbs 17 KJV - Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith

April 14th, 2023 9:00am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 17 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleBetter is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.2 A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causeth shame, and shall have part...

(Updated) Fulfilling Destiny- People Will Always Talk - God's Success Blueprint

(Updated) Fulfilling Destiny- People Will Always Talk - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 8:15pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

You see, sometimes the opposition that you get has nothing to do with you per se, but it has everything to do with how you are making other people feel because you are doing what they have not had the fortitude to do in their own lives. So, if you are...

(Secret) Fulfillment Comes From Right Relationships - God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Fulfillment Comes From Right Relationships - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 8:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

When you serve the right people, what you have is glorified, and it shines like the noonday. When you serve the right people, your talents and your abilities go to the next level to give you feedback that you can use to transcend the limitations that...

(Updated) Magnetism For Success - God's Success Blueprint Revealed

(Updated) Magnetism For Success - God's Success Blueprint Revealed

April 12th, 2023 7:21pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Ever wondered why some people are like magnets for success? This is why: they connect with the high-energy parts of themselves by using their uncommon millionaire talents - those talents that God intended for them to build their lives around. A...

(Secret) Promotion Comes When Using The Right Stuff (God's Success Blueprint)

(Secret) Promotion Comes When Using The Right Stuff (God's Success Blueprint)

April 12th, 2023 7:05pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

You have to use the right talents! These are the talents that come forth from your nature. These are the talents that have no limits, so to speak, because they are ingrained in who you are as a being. These are not talents that you develop through...

(Big Secret) Your Uncommon Talents Require Entrepreneurship - God's Success Blueprint

(Big Secret) Your Uncommon Talents Require Entrepreneurship - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 7:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Uncommon Millionaire Talents Force You To Become An Entrepreneur! Your Uncommon Millionaire Talents don’t fully show themselves until you say that you’re tired of living the life that was laid out for you by other people, and you’re willing...

(Powerful) Your Gift Will Make Room For You - God's Success Blueprint

(Powerful) Your Gift Will Make Room For You - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 4:20pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

It is said that your gift will make room for you. A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men. - Proverbs 18:16 That gift that you have is unlocked in your passions, your sacrifices and ultimately your uncommon millionaire...

(New) People Will Recognize Your God-given Endowment - God's Success Blueprint

(New) People Will Recognize Your God-given Endowment - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 4:15pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

When you use your "uncommon millionaire talents," people will feel and know that you have something special because you would have connected with God in doing this, and all creation will bear witness that what you have is an endowment of God. A...

(Revealed) God-given Differentiation Is Your SuperPower - God's Success Blueprint

(Revealed) God-given Differentiation Is Your SuperPower - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 3:20pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Once you find an area of "everlasting" or God-given passion, you also have to confirm that you’ve found your UMT’s by checking to see whether or not that’s the area where you invest most of your time! A man’s gift makes room for...

(New) Never Shirk Back When Doing God's Will - God's Success Blueprint

(New) Never Shirk Back When Doing God's Will - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 3:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

You must be the kind of person that never shirks back in the face of opposition, scrutiny, and shame. You must have the fortitude to see the results of your talents come into fruition! Most people know how to identify greatness when they see it, and if...

(New) Don't Compare Your Gifts To Others' - God's Success Blueprint

(New) Don't Compare Your Gifts To Others' - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 3:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

You have to surrender that idea of glamour when you’re looking for them because anything in its right environment looks glamorous, but when you just find it, you’re going to have to dust it off, clean it up and then find out where it goes. A...

(Secret) Godly Sacrifice Is The Key To Success- God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Godly Sacrifice Is The Key To Success- God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 2:15pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

The act of giving up something so another can live is called sacrifice. When you decide that you're going to do something as opposed to doing something else, that is a sacrifice. The time that you invest in an area in your life is a sacrifice of your...

(Revealed) Though No One Joins You Still Go (God's Success Blueprint)

(Revealed) Though No One Joins You Still Go (God's Success Blueprint)

April 12th, 2023 1:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

It is such a pleasure wanting to serve people. What a life it is to wake up in the morning excited about being of service! This is what you get in this advancing life. This is what you get when you're on this path to fulfilling your God-given destiny....

(Revealed) Not Pride, But Awareness of The Truth - God's Success Blueprint

(Revealed) Not Pride, But Awareness of The Truth - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 12:00pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

Whether you do, or whether you don't, they will still have something to say so move on forward! Go forward even if people say to you that you think that you're better than them even when you don't think so. You simply must make the decision to let your...

(Secret) Service and Success Are Married (God's Success Blueprint)

(Secret) Service and Success Are Married (God's Success Blueprint)

April 12th, 2023 11:40am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Your life will begin to take on shape. Your life will begin to take on a new air. You will breathe a new sigh of relief when you step into that place where you can truly be of service with your uncommon millionaire talents. What are the entry keys to...

(Full) Proverbs 15 KJV - A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous

(Full) Proverbs 15 KJV - A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous

April 12th, 2023 9:45am 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 15 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleA soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.3 The eyes...

(Powerful) Uncommon Talents From God Can Be Felt - God's Success Blueprint

(Powerful) Uncommon Talents From God Can Be Felt - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 9:25am 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

When you use your uncommon millionaire talents, what happens is people feel the talents. They go to a level beyond just mere ability. They go to the very essence of who you are. There's something else coming forth with these talents, and this is what...

(New) Your Destiny is Like A Fingerpint - God's Success Blueprint

(New) Your Destiny is Like A Fingerpint - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 7:00am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

The way that you differentiate yourself from others in the market can be done in a variety of different ways. Now if you don't take the path of connecting with your Uncommon Millionaire Talents, you can go about doing this in a variety of ways like...

(New Release) Your Uncommon Talents Are In You - God's Success Blueprint

(New Release) Your Uncommon Talents Are In You - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 2:00am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

But if you think about those times when you did feel like you’d taken flight - to the point where you would have loved to stay there forever - you would have found your Uncommon Millionaire Talents. Put another way- it’s when the purpose...

(Fresh Release) Transforming Potential To Ability - God's Success Blueprint

(Fresh Release) Transforming Potential To Ability - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 1:10am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Those things which are unseen can become seen if you access your potential. Your uncommon millionaire talents are how you are meant to access your potential for the benefit of all. And once you begin to understand that there is no limit on your potential...

(Secret) Your Uncommon Talents Make You Euphoric - God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Your Uncommon Talents Make You Euphoric - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 1:00am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Here’s a clue for you: Your uncommon millionaire talents tend to give you the feeling of a high! This is because they are connected with your everlasting desires or passions. The high feeling is the result of their high-energy nature. In fact, you may feel...

(Powerful) From The Highest Parts of You - God's Success Blueprint

(Powerful) From The Highest Parts of You - God's Success Blueprint

April 12th, 2023 12:35am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Again, this is my postulation, but I do believe over the course of 13 years of introspection, research and observations that I can hypothesize to this degree. But with regards to truly harnessing your UMTs, think about what you want to solve and what you...

(Secret) Stop Living Like Everyone Else - God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Stop Living Like Everyone Else - God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 7:50pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

You have to give up living like everyone else to step into your rightful place. Many wealthy people dropped out of university and their past professions to do what they do now -making bank loads of money using their uncommon millionaire talents. He...

(Updated) No More Excuses - Commit To Finish - God's Success Blueprint

(Updated) No More Excuses - Commit To Finish - God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 7:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

The graveyard is full of excuses. Instead of leaving full, why not make up in your mind to leave your existence here empty? And in this I mean, at the end of your life here, you should not be thinking about what you’ve not done, but you should...

(Secret) Suffering Is Necessary To Unearth Your True Purpose - God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Suffering Is Necessary To Unearth Your True Purpose - God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 5:00pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

Quick question: How many kings and queens do you know? Very few, right? You have to give up living like everyone else to step into your rightful place. Through the unveiling and the manifesting of your essence, there is a thin line that you have to cross...

Give Power to Receive Power (God's Success Blueprint)

April 11th, 2023 2:28pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Whatever you give power to will give its power in the realm of its power to you. (The Big Secret To Becoming More Powerful and Influential in Business!) It's interesting that we don't often think in terms of energy when we think about life. But life is a...

(Full) Proverbs 14 KJV - Every wise woman buildeth her house

(Full) Proverbs 14 KJV - Every wise woman buildeth her house

April 11th, 2023 12:00pm 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 14 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleEvery wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his...

(Full) Proverbs 9 KJV - Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn

(Full) Proverbs 9 KJV - Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn

April 11th, 2023 11:50am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 9 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleWisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:2 She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.3 She hath sent...

(Updated) Focus on Your High Energy God-Given Assets - God's Success Blueprint

(Updated) Focus on Your High Energy God-Given Assets - God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 11:00am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Are you looking at yourself and thinking about those things that you do that you have a strong, unshakable desire to do and that are fundamental to you? Those are your uncommon millionaire talents. Discover them. Unveil them and reveal them to the world...

(Fresh Update) You Have To Work Out Your Potential - God's Success Blueprint

(Fresh Update) You Have To Work Out Your Potential - God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 9:00am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

There should be no retirement for you because life is supposed to go on into infinity or into eternity. So, when you transition from this reality, you go into another reality. Life continues. Your life is not limited by what you have done - your life is...

(Secret) You Have To Pay The Price For Success- God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) You Have To Pay The Price For Success- God's Success Blueprint

April 11th, 2023 7:00am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

You have to be willing to pay the price. Nothing great ever gives up its right to secrecy without surrender on the part of the one seeking. So, too, your uncommon millionaire talents will never fully reveal themselves until you give up something to...

(Full) Proverbs 7 KJV - My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments

(Full) Proverbs 7 KJV - My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments

April 10th, 2023 1:00pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 7 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleMy son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them...

(Full) Proverbs 8 KJV -  Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

(Full) Proverbs 8 KJV - Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

April 10th, 2023 10:00am 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 8 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleDoth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.3 She crieth at the gates, at the...

(Full) Proverbs 3 KJV- My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart

(Full) Proverbs 3 KJV- My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart

April 9th, 2023 2:25pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of ContentsProverbs Chapter 3 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleMy son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.3 Let not mercy and truth forsake...

(Full) Proverbs 5 KJV - My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear

(Full) Proverbs 5 KJV - My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear

April 9th, 2023 2:15pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 5 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleMy son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:2 That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.3 For the lips of a strange...

(Full) Proverbs 10 KJV - The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh

(Full) Proverbs 10 KJV - The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh

April 9th, 2023 12:25pm 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 10 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleThe proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth...

(Full) Proverbs 2 KJV - My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my

(Full) Proverbs 2 KJV - My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my

April 9th, 2023 11:10am 2 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 2 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleMy son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee;2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;3 Yea, if thou...

(Full) Proverbs 4 KJV - Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend

(Full) Proverbs 4 KJV - Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend

April 9th, 2023 9:35am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 4 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleHear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.3 For I was my father's son, tender...

(Full) Proverbs 6 KJV - My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast

(Full) Proverbs 6 KJV - My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast

April 9th, 2023 8:55am 3 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 6 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleMy son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger,2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.3...

(Full) Proverbs 1 KJV-  The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel

(Full) Proverbs 1 KJV- The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel

April 8th, 2023 7:00am 4 minute read

Biblical Success

Table of Contents Proverbs Chapter 1 KJVKing James Version, Holy BibleThe proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;3 To receive the instruction of wisdom,...

(Secret) Live Uniquely On Purpose - God's Success Blueprint

(Secret) Live Uniquely On Purpose - God's Success Blueprint

February 22nd, 2023 7:20pm 2 minute read

Biblical Success | Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes

You see, life is not supposed to be about what somebody else tells you that you're supposed to do. Life is supposed to be about what you are purposed by God to do, and the good news is: what you were purposed to do is in your DNA. When you give room to...

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