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School of The Prophets - The Church's Online Prophetic Training School

The School of The Prophets

By Apostle and Prophet Quinson Thomas. Updated on April 11, 2022.

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The School of the Prophets for Prophetic People In The Church

Our Online Prophet School is for prophets, prophetic people, prophetic ministers and everyday believers. At Alive Christians, we have our School of The Prophets that trains you to be a New Testament, prophetic minister; flowing in the prophetic ministry to the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • Our Prophetic School will help you flow in the gifts of the Spirit, with an emphasis on prophecy.
  • The prophetic training school is online so you won't have to travel.
  • You can say that it's training in the prophetic at your convenience.

Prophetic ministry is supernatural ministry and you're going to get advanced training in:

The School of The Prophets and Power University

The prophetic school is a part of the larger University called Power University and at Power University, you learn supernatural ministry, hands-on style, meaning we teach you how to flow with the Holy Spirit one-on-one, through our videos, but collectively in our LIVE sessions that we have to demonstrate what you've learned. You will learn by the power of the Holy Ghost how to flow in the Spirit when it comes to prophecy.

Leading A Company of Prophetic Ministers Towards The Prophetic Transformation of Nations To The Glory of The Lord Jesus Christ

  • It doesn't matter if you're in the United States, Canada, a country in Africa, India or any other place in the world.
  • These prophetic teachings will be given to you live and also in a community of fellow believers where you'll learn to move in the gifts of the Spirit.
  • Our prophetic community is very diverse and it consists of people who are well-seasoned in the things of the Lord and people who are new believers.
  • But regardless of where you are, the revelation and insight that you will discover at the school of the prophets will astound you and will help you to be who God has called to be.
  • We're seeking to raise up prophetic people that will bring prophetic transformation to their respective nations and bring about the fulfillment of prophecy, when Jesus in fact said that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall preached to the ends of the world, and then shall the end come.

Are You A Prophetic Person? Then You Should Be A Part of The School of The Prophets

We are about the prophetic transformation of nations, and we're happy to be a part of what God is doing in the earth.

Let's continue with what you will also learn:

You will also learn how to discern a false prophet.

You will learn to move in the gifts of the Spirit which are tied closely to prophecy, because prophecy is only one gift of the Holy Spirit. But the gift of discerning of spirits, the word of wisdom, and the word of knowledge usually flow with the gift of prophecy.

So all these gifts will be taught to you that you'll know how to effectively use them. And as I mentioned before, the school of the prophets is only one facet of Power University, but you will be involved in every single facet of this training in the things of the Lord.

The prophetic school and the healing school are here to help you to walk in prophetic ministry, thoroughly equipped to serve as the Lord would lead you to. And if the Lord so wills for you to become a prophet, this training is for you.

If you're called to be a prophet of the Lord or if you just called to minister prophetically then this is in fact for you and we're looking forward to seeing you on the inside of Power University, where you will be a part of a school of the prophets as well as the healing school that we have in Power University.

We'll show you how to discern a true prophet, as well as how to get revelation from God. You see, not everybody is able to get revelation and insight from the Lord. But by the grace of God, this critical advanced training will help you to get revelation and insight from God so that you can be a steward of the grace of God.

You'll be Taught From The Scriptures at Our Training School For The Prophetic

  • The scriptures for the teachings in the school of the prophets come from both the New Testament and the Old Testament so as to give you a full understanding of the prophetic ministry and we focus in on the New Testament Prophet, as the Holy Ghost has outlined in the scriptures, particularly through the inspired texts of the Apostle Paul.
  • You will see the moving of God in your life as you learn to walk in the Spirit.
  • As you're part of the school of the prophets, you will have access to a greater understanding of the Holy Ghost, and how He functions.
  • It is our prayer that you will be completely and thoroughly equipped for the work of the ministry, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.

The School of The Prophets was founded by Apostle Quinson Thomas, a Prophet, and Teacher in The Body of Christ.