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Is Lilith In The Bible? (Secrets Revealed)

Is Lilith In The Bible? (Secrets Revealed)

Apostle Quinson Thomas Apostle Quinson Thomas
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Is It True That Lilith is In The Bible as The First Wife of Adam?

  1. No,  Lilith is not in the bible.
  2. Lilith is not the first wife of Adam - Eve is!

Fact-Checking The False Story of Lilith

Who is Lilith? And why isn't Lilith in The Christian Bible?

Because she is not the first wife of Adam- Eve is. Ungodly men have stated that she is the first wife of Adam, which contradicts scripture, and the relationship between Christ and the Church.

For it is one man Christ Jesus who will be married to one woman, The Church. So Adam was married to one woman, Eve.

Quick Facts About Lilith and What We Know About the word lilith in the Bible

  • She doesn't appear in the Book of Genesis.
  • She is thought to be mentioned in Biblical Hebrew in the Book of Isaiah, but the word lilith is just referring to a dweller in waste places in Isaiah 34:14
  • In mythology, she's a demon who possesses people, mainly women into thinking that they are above men, going against God's design. This is very close to the Canaanite false goddess or idol,  Asherah or Ashtherah whom God strictly forbids the Israelites from worshipping. 
  • Lilith isn't in the Bible.
  • Lilith is a female demonic figure of Jewish Folklore. 
  • In folklore, Lilith appears as Adam's first wife which is incorrect scripturally. 

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