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RuralCatholicRadio.com has been acquired by AliveChristians.com

AliveChristians.com has acquired RuralCatholicRadio.com. While we are not proponents of the Catholic faith nor the Catholic Church, and do not endorse it, we recognize the radio station as a powerful tool to spread the Gospel and are glad to acquire some of those connections to the broader world through this acquisition.

It is our prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in our work as we endeavor to spread the gospel with listeners on our website as radio programs and music will be forthcoming from our site as we endeavor to build our own radio station to the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ with bible verses and teachings on healing, the gifts of the Spirit, free personal prophecy and more. We pray that the Lord is glorified in all that we do with our radio programs and song lyrics to His glory and honor in Jesus' mighty name.

The ministry as it stands today has 2 main branches, our Word and Spirit Ministries and Our Music Ministry.

in our word ministry we focus on the Bible as the authoritative, infallible, inspired Word of God and how the truths contained in the Scriptures can help us become effective disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our day to day lives.

And then the Music Ministry focuses on putting music to our worship and surrender to His perfect will for our lives.

May The Lord bless our radio acquisition of RuralCatholicRadio.com in Jesus' Mighty Name as we endeavor, by His grace, to share the unmingled, pure, and unstained Gospel to His Glory and Honor.

Follow this link to find some of our favorite hymns. It is our prayer that you will be a part of it as the radio ministry takes off

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