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Free Spiritual Gifts Test - Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (Today)

Free Spiritual Gifts Test
Start The Free Spiritual Gifts Test

By Apostle Quinson Thomas, Updated on July 24, 2024

Welcome to our spiritual gifts test. If you've have been thinking about what your spiritual gifts from God are or even how to use the spiritual gifts that you have received from God, then you've come to the right place.

  • Our spiritual gifts survey or assessment tool will help you inventory your God-given spiritual gifts and set you on the path to develop these gifts from the Spirit.
  • Don't misunderstand me. You may already know what some of your spiritual gifts are, but with the help of this gifts assessment you will get an even clearer picture with which to assess your gifts.
  • Long story short, this short spiritual gifts survey tool will help you refine your suspicions on your gifts from God.

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Let's Look at The Gifts of The Spirit A Bit More Before You Use Our Survey Tool

So in First Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul gives an outline of the gifts of the Spirit. These spiritual gifts are for the body of believers, ie. the Church. The Spiritual gifts are to build up the body. Now we can find this in First Corinthians 12, and there we see that there are the:

  • the gift of the word of wisdom,
  • the gift of the word of knowledge,
  • the gift of faith,
  • the gifts of healing,
  • the gift fof the working of miracles,
  • The gift of prophecy,
  • The gift of discerning of spirits,
  • the gift of diverse kinds of tongues,
  • and the gift of interpretation of tongues.

Quick Facts About our Tool

  • This gifts quiz is great for children, teenage youth, and adults as a helpful resource for your Church or bible study.
  • This is also great for help in assigning people to leadership and knowing what ministries in the Church you should give certain individuals.
  • Our gifts test or survey is broken down into the sign or power gifts, the revelatory gifts and the vocal gifts. Enjoy the free assessment.
  • You can choose to get online training in ministry when you're finished.

May God reveal to you your spiritual gifts in Jesus' Mighty Name.

What are Your Gifts from God?

More on how God used me in the Gifts

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