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Healing School - Learn To Heal The Sick in Jesus' Name (Live Online)

Healing School

By Apostle Quinson Thomas. Updated on April 11, 2022

Introducing The Healing School of Alive Christians

Welcome to the Alive Christians' Healing School. At the healing school you will learn how to move in the gift of healing by the power of the Holy Spirit as the Lord Jesus Christ did when he walked on the earth. You will learn how to flow in the healing ministry of Christ as a believer.

We believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to effectively teach you how to lay hands on the sick. You learn how to flow in the gifts of healings, the gift of the word of knowledge, and you'll also be able to flow with the gift of the working of miracles as the Holy Ghost leads.

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What You'll Learn As A Student of The School

As one of our students, you will be taught how to minister the healing grace of God to restore the life and health of the person you lay hands on or pray for as the Lord leads. And as one of our students, you will also learn how to flow in deliverance as the Lord leads, to overcome sickness and disease that is demonically perpetuated.

Divine Healing is something that Christ wrought when He was beaten. The Bible says that by His stripes we were healed. And so the healing power of Christ for divine health is released when we as believers, by faith, believe God for that person's life to be restored when we as believers believe God for miracles, signs and wonders.

Let us At The School of Healing Help You Develop In The Gifts of Healings and More!

And so the healing school is here to help show you how to do healing ministry, deliverance ministry if it is needed, and how to work miracles so that the life of Christ can be evident in His church to the glory and honor of God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. You will learn how to effectively minister the healing virtue of God to give the divine healing power of God to those who are in need, in Jesus' name.

Are you someone who's interested in learning how to heal the sick Are you someone that is interested in flowing in the healing ministry? Are you someone that's interested in flowing in deliverance ministry?

If so, then the healing school is for you. Join up and be a part as we help to grow your faith in the things of the Lord seeing the manifestation of healing in the lives of those whom you touch and pray for. For the Scriptures declare the prayer of faith shall save the sick

Our Healing School was founded by Apostle Quinson Thomas, a Prophet and Teacher in the Body of Christ.

healing by the same Spirit

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