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You've Found The AliveChristians.com Free Book Giveaway

Free Book

Get "In God We Trust" Now

This book is the book we promised you would receive for signing up to receive your free prophetic word from the Lord in Jesus' Name. It is a pleasure serving the body of Christ in this way with literature as well as live prophetic words on Prophecy Night.

Free Spiritual Gifts Test

To The Glory of God, we've finally made our spiritual gifts test available. You can find out by the grace of God if He has given you the gifts of healing, prophecy, tongues, etc. all by visiting this page to find out which area of the gifts you have been gifted. We've broken the results down to the power gifts, vocal gifts and revelatory gifts. May you be blessed as you take the free test to get the results.

And below is a little more about the ministry and Apostle Quinson Thomas. Many people have visited our site to receive a prophetic word for their lives, relationships, and business, and He has been faithful to give them what they desire of Him. The scriptures in Proverbs 3:6 say that in all our ways we should acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths. This prophetic ministry is a part of a fulfillment of this scripture. And it is our prayer that you are blessed as you peruse our site to experience all that the Lord has given to us to share with you in the form of teaching, training, and much more.

More About Us

Hours of Operation:

Our Hours of Operation are:

Monday to Friday from 9am EST to 5pm EST

Social Media Contact:

You can reach us on social media through the following links:

Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Youtube

[email protected]

Mailing Address:

1441 Woodmont Ln NW #977
Atlanta, GA 30318

Text Our Phone Number

Text PROPHECY to +1 (844) 547-0733