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Books of The Bible That We've Covered At Alive Christians

Books of The Bible

By Apostle Quinson Thomas. Updated on January 5, 2022

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Here at Alive Christians we've covered many books of the Bible.

These Books of the Bible also span the Old Testament as well as the new testament. We tend to use the King James Bible more so than other translations but if we decided to use another translation besides the King James Version, we make the bible reference on our page.

Our aim is to cover the entire bible on our site because we know that our readers would prefer to read the entire bible. We include the verse numbers as well as the chapters so you can clearly see where you are.

We will not be including historical books, like the dead sea scrolls that have been mentioned alongside the Christian bible. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you read Old Testament books, as well as the New Testament books, as there are different books throughout the sacred scripture and each one was Holy Spirit inspired to bring you closer to God and the knowledge of Him, Whom to know is eternal life.

Our list would be perfect for a bible study, and you don't have to be a biblical scholar to do conduct one either. Let the Lord lead you to find the best books to start out with and then proceed from there. May your faith and the faith of fellow believers grow tremendously as you read God's word and are enlarged in God's grace and His Love.

Genesis 1

The Book of Genesis looks at the creation and the redemptive plan of God from an early perspective. It is here that we see many of the redemptive pictures and shadows that are revealed in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Enjoy the book of Genesis.


Romans 10 Romans 11 Romans 12 Romans 13 Romans 14 Romans 15 Romans 16

The book of Romans was written by the Apostle Paul to the Roman Church and in it he addresses many pertinent issues. Is salvation of works? What about sin? What did God to be sending His Son Jesus? All of those questions and more are answered in Romans


Philippians 1 Philippians 2 Philippians 3 Philippians 4

Phillippians is a powerful book also written by the Apostle Paul. It shares many powerful guidelines and some extactable turths about the Christian life and the attitude that we should have as Christians. Enjoy the book of Philippians.


John 3 John 19

Book of Psalms

The Book of Psalms is heavily quoted by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It is a powerful book that is mainly ascribed to King David that shares many of the insights and truths into God's word and the practical aspect of living a life of faith. It includes themes of hurt, anguish, salvation, prosperity, and much more.

About our Site

Alive Christians is a site, hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, started by Quinson Thomas, that helps people just like you find their callings and walk those callings out to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to be a great help to you in your walk with the Lord and it is our endeavor that you fulfill your calling from the Lord in full.

Religion of God
God made Him sin for us